Timing is everything. I had a wonderful time teaching the Watercolor Painting Workshop at Studio 14 in the spring. Evelyn Staub was pleased that the class filled up and she commented several times that I was a good instructor. While those compliments were still ringing in my ears, she invited me to teach classes at Studio 14. We worked out a summer schedule of classes for adults, teenagers, and kids. Classes grew so we added more time slots, I had the time of my life.
No one wanted it to come to an end (especially me). So Evelyn has extended the invitation to continue with teaching. So this is the new Fall Schedule:
Home Schooled Students Welcomed!!
10:15 - 12:15 adults
drawing, colored pencil and watercolor instruction
basic drawing skills, painting skills, composition and color theory
beginners handled gently and experienced are challenged
$10.00 per session pay only as you attend
supplies not included
1:00 - 2:30 Private Lessons
4:00 - 5:15 6 - 11 years old (students who get out of school late are welcome to come
art projects that develop skills and introduce different mediums
$10.00 per session pay only as attended
limited number of students
some supplies included
10:00 - 11:00 4 - 5 years old
art projects that are design for success, eye hand coordination, color andcounting skills, progressive instructions skills developed
$10.00 per session pay only as attended
strict limited number of students
some supplies included
12:00 - 3:00 PACK & PAINT Pack your lunch and join us for one of our Artfully Yours
Projects. You create your own painting of acrylic on Canvas. We supply
the project, paints, brushes, canvas and good times.
The cost is $35.00. pre-registration is appreciated
4:00 - 5:15 12 - 17 years old
Group projects are planned or students may develop their own interests
as I guide them through the technical and the creative process.
Individuality is respected and encouraged. The cost is $10.00
Most supplies are not included.
Studio 14
14 E Main Street
Tipp City Oh
Call Rusty for information 937-418-4284