A Brush With Rusty
A Brush With Life

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chalice / Traditions Drawing

31/2"x 41/2"
(prints available starting at $10.00)

In the drawing I have suggested a chalice. More than a cup to hold wine , a chalice is symbolic of family and traditions. Yet there is an outer covering sloughing off. We often build traditions that others are completely unaware of . We live these self imposed traditions, dissappointed when others don't get it and sometimes become obsessed with the need for them.

If they only knew...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Story Teller, Original Drawing

The Story Teller
41/8" x 63/4"
(prints avaiable starting at 10.00)

Who keeps your stories?

These line drawings are in my Bibelot Gallery at http://www.abrushwithrusty.com/.
Each begins as a non-objective line drawing. Sometimes the images emerge as I allow my mind to meander into the thoughts it chooses. Sometimes I ponder sayings, give into my moods or worries and the resulting drawings are powerful.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bella Donna, Amazon Warrior Drawing

Bella Donna
5"x 7"
Prints Available $10.00
Inspired by my friend, whom I call Bella Donna. She is as poisonous as she is medicinal.
An Amazon Warrior at heart, she is honest and fiercely loyal.
These line drawings are in my Bibelot Gallery at www.abrushwithrusty.com.
Each begins as a non-objective line drawing. Sometimes the images emerge as I allow my mind to meander into the thoughts it chooses. Sometimes I ponder sayings, give into my moods or worries and the resulting drawings are powerful.