I have found that I am an artist who creates better with a purpose. Like most creative processes, dry spells come and go. Then there is always the "rut" syndrome. I discovered The Artist Challenge about a year and a half ago. Their biweekly thoughtful art themed challenges challenged both my creativity and time management. I found myself among an international group of artists with something to say with the art work they create and post. Being the number one online art challenge site among the search engines didn't hurt my feelings either. The host, Ms. Vikki, keeps a tight ship protecting the site from spammers and scullywags. She's generous in her effort, although there is a minimal fee for one of the two entries (one is always free), Ms. Vikki does not ask for a commission from my sales yet promotes all of the artists in many online venues.
A favorite annual promotion is coming up, the CBS Sunday Morning Sun Art Challenge. The Sun Art submitted by this January 8 is submitted to CBS for their Sun Art Library. Several works of art from this challenge has been aired.
An off shoot to the Artist Challenge is the Inferno. A challenge for writers. I joined as soon as they offered it, I had not really tried my hand at writing but soon I found another creative outlet. I have a new passion for creating line drawing illustrations for my writings. I now post those entries as well as my other meanderings at Falling Amber Rain.
There are lots of art challenge sites and online galleries. Its something to wade through. Before selecting one be sure that they are as protective of your copyright as you are, you get the most exposure for your effort and dollars, and find a group that is all about the art and leaves the pettiness behind.
I am currently looking at a monthly sketch book themed challenge So far it looks like it meets my criteria, I'll let you know soon.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Family Member with Alzheimer's Disease "Delicate Decay" by Rusty Harden
"Delicate Decay"
Fallen Series
7" x 10"
Rusty Harden
This is a painting about my mother-in-law who has Alzheimer's Disease.
She is the lovely rhododendron blossom which has dropped from the bush.
Her fragile and subtle physical changes that she accepts with dignity and
grace. The leaves and mulch on which she rests represent her lost memories
in their various stages.
I am not always sure if time is her friend or her enemy. We do all that we can
to give her peace and happiness in the moment. It is the only gift that matters, now.
I find myself more drawn to this painting than ever...perhaps because I finally realize how
much we want to be remembered by those we love.
I have decided to have professional art prints made of this painting. It is a lovely tribute to those we lose
before they are gone.
If you would like to order one contact me. They are $45.00 (profressional mat included).
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
" Essence of Life" by Rusty Harden
"Essence of Life"
7" x 5"
water based media
New work that I have tried to have ready for the Winter Art Show at Brukner Nature Center in Troy Ohio.
December 4, 2010
9 - 4
I appreciate and support the mission of Brukner Nature Center and always look forward to this show
each year.
orginal drawing,
original artwork,
Monday, October 25, 2010
"Frivolous Splendor" by Rusty Harden
"Frivolous Splendor"
13" x 15"
Transparent Watercolor on Arches 140lb
Rusty Harden
When our leaves begin to turn and fall from the trees we know changes are coming.
Soon the trees will be barren silhouettes against the winter sky.
I am going to enjoy the rich layered colors on this painting.
original artwork,
rusty harden,
studio 14
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
"Scarlet Poppies" Intuitive Painting by Rusty Harden
17" x 11"
Rusty Harden
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." Aristotle
Any one who has followed my work know that poppies always find their way into whatever style, medium , or dream I may currently exploring. Poppies amaze me on so many levels.
I especially love the way they dance on the slightest breeze.
We should all dance so easily.
original artwork,
original painting,
rusty harden,
Monday, October 11, 2010
"Gentle Release" Intuitive Painting Rusty Harden

"Gentle Release"
18" x 13"
water media
arches hot press
"Life beats down and crushes the soul, and art reminds you that you have one."
~Stella Adler
~Stella Adler
Lingering too long, indigo can act insidiously. Enveloping a mood with inky darkness.
It is one of those places that there is a need to return from time to time. With an intuitive
process, I found the what I was seeking. Fear of a sudden escape and a boiling to the surface, I opted for the gentle release.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Painting Party for Cancer Research at Studio 14

I've heard that some would like to do this but they don't paint. Don't let that hold you back. The canvas comes with the drawing already on the canvas. With brush in hand, follow my very simple step by step instructions (no fancy brush stokes, just paint). You will be amazed at your own ability and better yet...giving to further a noble cause.
Take home your painting, put it in your office, give it to someone who needs courage.
Challenge your friends and workmates to join you and create memories.
Please pass this on to your friends.
Rusty Harden
Take home your painting, put it in your office, give it to someone who needs courage.
Challenge your friends and workmates to join you and create memories.
Please pass this on to your friends.
Rusty Harden
Studio 14
Tipp City, Oh
"Ribbons for a Cure"
11" x 14"
acrylic on canvas
October 16, 2010
10 - 5
Painting Project begins at 1 - 4
Educational Information, Door Prizes and Refreshments
Create your own powerful statement of HOPE with this painting.
Paint along with Rusty Harden, a step by step instruction with
all of the supplies you need to create your artwork provided.
Tipp City, Oh
"Ribbons for a Cure"
11" x 14"
acrylic on canvas
October 16, 2010
10 - 5
Painting Project begins at 1 - 4
Educational Information, Door Prizes and Refreshments
Create your own powerful statement of HOPE with this painting.
Paint along with Rusty Harden, a step by step instruction with
all of the supplies you need to create your artwork provided.
Proceeds are going to the Vera Bradley Foundation for Cancer Research
Door Prizes are being provided by Urban Ava, Earth's Center, and Studio 14.
There will be a raffle for the original "Ribbons for a Cure" Painting and a gift certificate from the Earth's Center.
There will be a raffle for the original "Ribbons for a Cure" Painting and a gift certificate from the Earth's Center.
Earth's Center will have some of their massage therapists providing neck and shoulder
massages for a $5 donation for five minutes.
Studio 14
14 E. Main Street
Tipp City
massages for a $5 donation for five minutes.
Studio 14
14 E. Main Street
Tipp City
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Invitation to New Exhibit "Tree of Forgotten Knowledge
New Exhibit during the Opening/Awards Reception
Studio 14
14 Main St.
Tipp City
Saturday 6:30 - 8:30
Visit my OPEN Studio!!!!!!
orginal drawing,
rusty harden,
studio 14
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Fundraiser for Vera Bradley Foundation with Rusty Harden

"Ribbons for a Cure"
11" x 14"
acrylic on canvas
October 16, 2010
10 - 5
Painting Project begins at 1 - 4
Educational Information, Door Prizes and Refreshments
Create your own powerful statement of HOPE with this painting.
Paint along with Rusty Harden, a step by step instruction with
all of the supplies you need to create your artwork provided.
Paint along with Rusty Harden, a step by step instruction with
all of the supplies you need to create your artwork provided.
Proceeds are going to the Vera Bradley Foundation
Door Prizes are being provided by Urban Ava, Earth's Center, and Studio 14.
There will be a raffle for the original "Ribbons for a Cure" Painting and a gift certificate from the Earth's Center.
(Raffles tickets go on sale September 24. Winners will be notified October 16th)
Earth's Center will have some of their massage therapists providing neck and shoulder
massages for a $5 donation for five minutes.
For more information and to purchase your seat or make a donation:
Sunday, September 19, 2010
My New Exhibit "Bibelot Series"
Bibelot definition:
a small object of curiosity, beauty, or rarity
I began these wonderfully strange line drawings during a time when I
had trouble sleeping. To relax my mind, I would draw patterns of lines.
Then I discovered that if I would write a quote that I wanted to be inspired by the drawing began to take on the images reflecting those thoughts. How cool was that!! At the time I was also enchanted with "Steampunk"and the Edwardian period. I am very fond of the decorative elements that were added to pages of books written at that time. Jules Verne's books were especially inspirational as you will see with the drawing I call "Leagues".
Later, I created drawings to illustrate stories I wrote for the Inferno.
Most have been hiding in a box on a shelf as soon as they were deemed "finished" which is funny because I have often wondered, "What makes it finished?" I still do not have an answer.
Please join me on September 25th for their first ever exhibit.
6:30 - 8:30
Studio 14
14 E. Main Street
Tipp City Ohio
For additional information call or email.
ink drawings,
original drawing,
rusty harden,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Newest Addition to My Art Collection
"Fallen Ralph"
Ray Shuell
I aquired this painting last week.
Ray is an artist in Hanc, deux Sevres, Poitou Charentes, France. Originally from Manchester, UK, now living and working in S.W. France as painter and art teacher.
For several months, I have been enjoying Ray's contributions to The Artist Challenge
I've become enchanted with "stripey pants" and other elements of his paintings that have the "stripey pants" influence.
This painting, "Fallen Ralph" found its way to touch my core.
I felt fortunate that it had not"yet been sold when I made my inquiry.
Ray says this of "Fallen Ralph", "Ralph is a lost soul, made to believe by others that he is less worthy in some way. He has no belief in himself and only dwells on what others say of him. He looks at his feet, almost saying to them, 'How did you get me here? This is not where I wish to be.' The wings being part of the landscape is crucial. There can be no escape as long as Ralph believes in his own heart that this is where he belongs! But the way is there, in his head, the way out. If he believes in himself, his feet will take him home."
"Fallen Ralph" will remind me of the power of our own beliefs whether they are for our benefit or detriment.
Due to Ray's generousity, I also own "Fallen Angel"
To see more of Ray's Work
Monday, September 6, 2010
Artfully Yours with Rusty Harden
Whether they are professional artists or they are scared beginners.
That's why instructing painting parties and classes for Artfully yours suits me.
Watching people just have fun finding a fun way to create something personal.
For more details on you own party or joining us for a scheduled class
Monday, August 30, 2010
Darcy Morbid's Heart Pendent by Rusty Harden

“Darcy Morbid's Heart" Original Art Pendant with Matching Art Card
$22 (including S&H)
1 ½“”x 1” Hand Painted Pendant & 16″ black satin cord
“It’s getting colder now and the darkness consumes me.”
I knew I was going to submit this piece into The Artist Challenge( http://www.blogger.com/www.theartistchallenge )
where the theme was, "Belief That Possesses the Mind". I based my submission on the quotation above. As beautiful as the pendent is, the darkness creeping insidiously across the heart felt a little macabre.
Talking with friends, while the television was playing in the background, I heard a character say, "I'm not really Darcy Morbid."
Having caught my attention that that would be a perfect name for the owner of my newly created heart pendent, I tell everyone of my decision. My friend corrects me by saying, "She said that she is not really dark and morbid." Too late, I already love the name even if I am a bit deaf.
I think Darcy is going to have her own line.
rusty harden dayton ohio usa,
Tipp City Ohio
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Postcards of Mineral Paintings set of 4
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tipp City Fall Class Schedule w/ Rusty Harden

Timing is everything. I had a wonderful time teaching the Watercolor Painting Workshop at Studio 14 in the spring. Evelyn Staub was pleased that the class filled up and she commented several times that I was a good instructor. While those compliments were still ringing in my ears, she invited me to teach classes at Studio 14. We worked out a summer schedule of classes for adults, teenagers, and kids. Classes grew so we added more time slots, I had the time of my life.
No one wanted it to come to an end (especially me). So Evelyn has extended the invitation to continue with teaching. So this is the new Fall Schedule:
Home Schooled Students Welcomed!!
10:15 - 12:15 adults
drawing, colored pencil and watercolor instruction
basic drawing skills, painting skills, composition and color theory
beginners handled gently and experienced are challenged
$10.00 per session pay only as you attend
supplies not included
1:00 - 2:30 Private Lessons
4:00 - 5:15 6 - 11 years old (students who get out of school late are welcome to come
art projects that develop skills and introduce different mediums
$10.00 per session pay only as attended
limited number of students
some supplies included
10:00 - 11:00 4 - 5 years old
art projects that are design for success, eye hand coordination, color andcounting skills, progressive instructions skills developed
$10.00 per session pay only as attended
strict limited number of students
some supplies included
12:00 - 3:00 PACK & PAINT Pack your lunch and join us for one of our Artfully Yours
Projects. You create your own painting of acrylic on Canvas. We supply
the project, paints, brushes, canvas and good times.
The cost is $35.00. pre-registration is appreciated
See the schedule of projects posted at http://www.studio14gallery.blogspot.com/ .
4:00 - 5:15 12 - 17 years old
Group projects are planned or students may develop their own interests
as I guide them through the technical and the creative process.
Individuality is respected and encouraged. The cost is $10.00
Most supplies are not included.
Studio 14
14 E Main Street
Tipp City Oh
Call Rusty for information 937-418-4284
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Handpainted Butterfly Pendent with ACEO

Butterfly Pendent with Matching Art Card
Pendent is 1 1/2" x 1"
16" black satin cord included
Magenta and Shades of Purple
Rusty Harden
$12.00 (includes s/h)
Pendents are made from high fired clay and painted with a ceramic paint.
The piece is waterproof, scratch resistant and uv protected.
What is an ACEO?
ACEO stands for “Art Cards, Editions and Originals” …a specific “size”
of artwork measuring 2.5 x 3.5 inches
in either Portrait or Landscape orientation …based on
the Artist Trading Cards and other collectable cards.
ACEO and pendent will be shipped in a protective sleeve.
aceo purple handpainted,
art card,
rusty harden
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Daisies by Rusty Harden
7" x 7"
Beginning as an excersise to capture the essence
of the daisies, I was very please with the finished
piece. I like order so I created a grid in the background
to develope the foilage.
A series of studies and finished
paintings on the subject.
This study is for sale. $30.00 w/mat (includes s/h)
paintings on the subject.
This study is for sale. $30.00 w/mat (includes s/h)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Abstracted Field Flowers Rusty Harden
5" x 7"
Blackeyed Susan
Like playing in a meadow in mid-summer, I am playing in my paints.
I adore wild flowers. So begins a series of studies and finished
paintings on the subject.
This study is for sale. $30.00 w/mat (includes s/h)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"Rhythms of the Earth" Series Rusty Harden
21" x 29"
Acrylic Ink on HP Arches 140lb
Acrylic Ink on HP Arches 140lb
matted (unframed) $300.00
The counterpart to my mineral artistry.
These paintings capture the engergy of the earth's treasures
by abstracting the minerals and other natural
elements of the earth in color and movement.
Monday, July 5, 2010
A Painting of Wildflowers "The Misfits"
The Misfits
11" x 91/2"
Just north of my home is a small town that has a farmer's market on
Saturday mornings. It folds up about noon. About 11:30, I walked past the
organic vegetable stands and then passed the local honey and
a few hopeful artists. At a particularly busy stand, people
were buying colorful bundles of fresh cut and wild flowers. As the wave of buyers
had walked on, I looked over the selection of about six or so bundles that were left.
Actually, I found I was more interested in the flowers and weeds that had been
left sitting behind the table. The girls looked a little bewildered
as I asked them to "grab me up a handful
of some those flowers back there"
(Meanwhile another wave of buyers were getting the rest of the already bundled flowers.) Walking away with the tall lanky coneflowers
with oddly shaped petals and a few weeds wrapped in paper and plastic,
I was already painting them in my head.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Chalice / Traditions Drawing
In the drawing I have suggested a chalice. More than a cup to hold wine , a chalice is symbolic of family and traditions. Yet there is an outer covering sloughing off. We often build traditions that others are completely unaware of . We live these self imposed traditions, dissappointed when others don't get it and sometimes become obsessed with the need for them.
If they only knew...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Story Teller, Original Drawing
The Story Teller
41/8" x 63/4"
(prints avaiable starting at 10.00)
Who keeps your stories?
These line drawings are in my Bibelot Gallery at http://www.abrushwithrusty.com/.
Each begins as a non-objective line drawing. Sometimes the images emerge as I allow my mind to meander into the thoughts it chooses. Sometimes I ponder sayings, give into my moods or worries and the resulting drawings are powerful.
Each begins as a non-objective line drawing. Sometimes the images emerge as I allow my mind to meander into the thoughts it chooses. Sometimes I ponder sayings, give into my moods or worries and the resulting drawings are powerful.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Bella Donna, Amazon Warrior Drawing
5"x 7"
Prints Available $10.00
Inspired by my friend, whom I call Bella Donna. She is as poisonous as she is medicinal.
An Amazon Warrior at heart, she is honest and fiercely loyal.
These line drawings are in my Bibelot Gallery at www.abrushwithrusty.com.
Each begins as a non-objective line drawing. Sometimes the images emerge as I allow my mind to meander into the thoughts it chooses. Sometimes I ponder sayings, give into my moods or worries and the resulting drawings are powerful.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Delphiniums Art Note Cards Set of 4
China Paint
Porcelain Tile
12" x 16"
The original tile has been sold but you can own this lovely image in a set of Note Cards.
Set of 4 for $10.00
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Original Oil Painting of a Wulfenite Mineral

Rusty Harden
Oil Painting
11" x 14"
I am exhibiting the oil paintings of my mineral series in Cincinnati Ohio May 1 & 2 at the GeoFair 2o1o held at the Cincinnati Gardens. For this week, I will post each of these artworks. A couple of the paintings will be a repost.
This painting is for sale. Contact me for details.
Postcards of this painting are available @ $1.00 each.
Rusty Harden Dayton Ohio USA
Monday, April 26, 2010
Original Oil Painting of a Crocoit Mineral
Rusty Harden
Oil Painting
12" x 16"
I am exhibiting the oil paintings of my mineral series in Cincinnati Ohio May 1 & 2 at the GeoFair 2o1o held at the Cincinnati Gardens. For this week, I will post each of these artworks. A couple of the paintings will be a repost.
This painting is for sale. Contact me for details.
This Crocoit is also available as a limited edition print @$60.00
Postcards of this painting has also been printed @ $1.00 each.
Rusty Harden Dayton Ohio USA
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Preview of New Mineral Painting, Youngite Mineral
Mineral Painting
Rusty Harden
11" x 14"
I am showing the Youngite painting this weekend at the Rock Show.
Sponsored byBrukner Gem and Rock Club,
Miami County Fairgrounds North End on 25-A, Troy Ohio .
April 24, 2110 and April 25, 2010
Along with the Youngite painting, the other new paintings of Wolfenite and Crocoit will be on exhibit. I am proud to add these three to my series of mineral paintings.
New this year and available for purchase will be: Limited Edition Prints, Limited Edition Show Posters, Note Cards and Postcards.
Look for next week's announcement!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Paper Petals
Paper Petals
8" x 10"
Liquid Watercolor
Cheryl made the comment that poppy petals remind her of crepe paper.
I agree, when I created this painting,
I rendered the petals as if they were crepe paper. This is one of my
favorite poppy paintings.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Poppy Drama
Liquid Watercolor
Hotpress Paper
This one stays tucked away in my pile of paintings.
Oh yea, drama happens. Its interesting creating such a mood
with the subject of innocent poppies.
Since I am painting poppies at the moment, I thought I'd share
Since I am painting poppies at the moment, I thought I'd share
a few other paintings of poppies.
Friday, April 16, 2010

5" x 7"
In the spirit of actually painting, daily, I painted today.
There is something about poppies that I find enchanting. I am always amazed that these lovely red blooms, who look right at you with their dark centers, are held up by the thinnest of stems. Whenever a breeze passes by them, they sway just a little.
I call it the "poppy" dance.
These will be a series: Let's Be Poppies
Rusty Harden Dayton Ohio USA
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Daily Painters Interanational Art Gallery

"Bound to the Earth"
15" x 20"
Acrylic Ink on Hotpress Paper
Location: The Earth's Center, Tipp City, Ohio
$230.00 (with warm white mat)
I joined this group of 100 International Painters who commit to a daily activity in their art business. For most, that means painting daily. I have admired the frequent postings of the
daily painters, having followed the blogs of several.
It is easy to lose track of time, to get distracted and over commit to the needs of others. These are the killers of productivity and inspiration.
I will begin posting (almost) everyday. It's about the activity. Along with new paintings I will post paintings that are being added to new locations and exhibits.
Wish for me activity with purpose....
Rusty Harden Dayton Ohio USA
Monday, April 12, 2010
New Show Poster
limited number will be available for purchase at the show.
Pre-show orders can be taken, $10.00 each.
The "Uncommon Grace" exhibit is over. My attention is once again
on the mineral artistry. I have one Rock and Mineral Show in Troy Ohio
this month. I will be introducing two new paintings for this show as well
as limited editions prints, note cards and post cards of my mineral paintings.
Please visit http://www.thecrystalrockstore.com/ , a Canada based shop which will
soon carry those items. I thank Steve for his support of my mineral artistry.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
5" x 7"
Painted for themed challenge: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
August of 2008, I had been on a walk. I really do enjoy what we call weeds.
What makes us admire one plant as a flower and another a weed?
In general, we apply a similar formula to people.
Back to the thistle and the butterfly, there he was on this thistle that offered him so little.
A resting place, at most. Sometimes our needs are that basic. Maybe he needed more, who is to know? But the thistle is what it is. At its end, an amazing structure that captures the late afternoon sunlight. If I were a butterfly maybe I'd want to touch it too. Okay, I'm not a butterfly and I always want to touch them.
This original painting is for sale and prints can be ordered.
original painting,
rusty harden,
Monday, March 15, 2010
CBS Sunday Morning Sun Art
mixed media
"Cheshire Sun" Is Now Part of the CBS Sunday Morning Library
"Cheshire Sun" Is Now Part of the CBS Sunday Morning Library
Watch for it to air on one of their segments.
This painting is available for purchase.
This painting is available for purchase.
To view the other submissions of the 2010 CBS Sun Art Challenge
All Stories and Images on this Blog are Copyright 2010 by Rusty Harden
Unauthorized use or duplication -in any form-is absolutely restricted by Law.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Description of April Watercolor Workshop

Have you always wanted to see if you would like watercolors? Do you already paint with watercolors but feel that
you missed something basic along the way? Would you like to understand some basic construction of a painting that will enhance your creative expression? Do you just want to join us?
I have set up a two afternoon workshop. The first afternoon we will consider basics about watercolor paints and its relationship with water and paper. I will demonstrate foreground, middle ground, back ground; composition, and focal point (can be applied to any medium). We will paint the bold colorful leaves in the posted workshop announcement with a step by step demonstration.
The second afternoon, we will paint an iris. The selection of this floral allows us to glaze colors on the thin delicate flower petals and the thick opaque stalks and buds. You will be introduced to a number of common watercolor painting techniques to complete this subject. Step by Step Demonstration
All of the demonstrations of techniques is design to respect your personal style.
$50.00 for both afternoons.
**Watercolor supplies can be a little costly. IF you are interested in taking the class but not quite ready to invest in the supplies, I will supply the paper and the paints for an additional $15.00 which must be paid by April 3rd. You will need a couple of specific brushes. Once you are registered I will send out a materials list.
April 10,11
1 - 4
Studio 14 (Loft)
14 Main St.
Tipp City, OH
For questions email me: abrushwithrusty@msn.com
Monday, March 1, 2010
Watercolor Workshop

Join the very talented Rusty Harden in this exiting 2-day workshop!
Composition and watercolor glazing technique are the featured lessons with step by step demos. Beginners will be handled with care and the more experienced will build on what they know. Please feel free to visit her website for more information and to see the wide range of artwork in her portfolio: www.abrushwithrusty.com
April 10th & 11th, Saturday & Sunday 1-4
PMCost: $50.00
To Register please email Evelyn Staub: estaub@studio14gallery.com
Rusty Harden: www.abrushwithrusty@msn.com
color theory,
learning about,
rusty harden,
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Artist Statement for "The Fallen"
12"x 14 1/2"
"The Fallen Series"
On display in the "Uncommon Grace" Exhibit
Doug McClarty/Rusty Harden
Feb. 25 - April 11
Studio 14
Tipp City Ohio
We meet people where they are. Perhaps we will never know where they have come from or what experiences have changed them. I am one of the fallen blooms of this Yucca, maybe not what I once was nor could have been but not lost.
doug mclarty,
original painting,
rusty harden,
studio 14,
Tipp City,
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lovely Galleries in My New Web Site
Visit my new website, http://www.abrushwithrusty.com/ Please look and meander through the galleries. I have posted four of my most favorite styles and subjects into seperate galleries. I have to thank Sixot for their experience and professional skills for constructing my site. I have really appreciated that they listened to my needs and made thoughtful suggestions.
I am so very proud for you to see my artwork displayed so beautifully.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Fallen Series
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Counting Butterflies by Rusty Harden

The ride to the park was fun for both of us. We always take the winding country road with lots of small farms. Every time we'd come to the cow crossing sign she'd sit up straight and look around for them. We never did see a crossing cow. I loved it that she could enjoy the simple things. Her early years were full of troubles that a child should not have had to deal with. You can't go back and undo those experiences but I've done my best to make up for them and to protect her ever since I've been old enough to figure out how.
I've taught her to accept my love, that the world is a better place because she is in it and that she is worthy of having dreams. On the other hand, I probably have been too protective. I can't bear it when other people disappoint her or are unkind. She has a couple of friends but we spend most of our time together when I am not working.
It was her idea to go to the park. After we walked through the meadow counting the butterflies, we headed for our favourite spot at the top of the hill. There is a rock that resembles a chair. It is a beautiful view. We sat quietly for a little while when I noticed she seemed a little restless. I looked at her and realized she had something to say. Finally she began a rehearsed speech with unusual awkwardness, "You've been taking care of me for a long time. No one has ever loved me more than you have." Her voice calmed and she continued, "We're not that child anymore. We can face disappointment with the grace of a woman, now. Even if you get hurt, you know how to handle it. You'll be okay."
I realized that she was telling me that she was not staying. I let the tears roll down my cheeks as she finished giving me her strength. She stood and walked towards the meadow. Suddenly she started to skip and with a big smile she called back to me, "Remember me in your dreams!"
Friday, January 22, 2010
Amazement and Anquish

Price Original: $550 (Prints are available)
15”x 22"
Acrylic Ink on 140lb cold press paper
To quote Dante’s Inferno: “There is no greater anguish than in misery to remember the happy time.”
The majestic scene represents our glorious memories.
Misery, grief, torment can melt our majestic scenes.
jewel tone,
original painting,
rusty harden,
Tipp City,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Mineral Painting Azurite & Malachite
Oil Painting on Masonite
11"x 14"
This was one of the first minerals I painted. As an artist, I enjoyed the vibrant colors and the contrast of rough and velvet smooth textures. Painted from a specimen on loan from Matt Black of Ohio. The original painting and prints are available for purchase.
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